Source code for crowdcount.utils.loss

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ------------------------
# written by Songjian Chen
# 2018-10
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import torch.nn as nn
import torch

[docs]class AVGLoss: """ The loss function used in train part, torch.nn.MSELoss with reduction='mean', which means the sum of the density map will be divided by the number of pixels in the density map. It can be described as: .. math:: \ell(\\theta) = \\frac{1}{2N*B}\sum_{i=1}^N\parallel{Z(X_i;\\theta) - Z_i^GT}\parallel_2^2 """ def __init__(self): super(AVGLoss).__init__()
[docs] def __call__(self, output, ground_truth): """ Args: output (torch.tensor): the output generated by model ground_truth (torch.tensor): the ground truth compared with output Return: float """ batch = len(output) loss_function = nn.MSELoss(reduction='mean') loss = loss_function(output.squeeze(), ground_truth.squeeze()) return loss / (2 * batch)
[docs]class SUMLoss: """ The loss function used in train part, torch.nn.MSELoss with reduction='sum', which means the density map will be summed. It can be described as: .. math:: \ell(\\theta) = \\frac{1}{2*B}\sum_{i=1}^N\parallel{Z(X_i;\\theta) - Z_i^GT}\parallel_2^2 """ def __init__(self): super(SUMLoss).__init__()
[docs] def __call__(self, output, ground_truth): """ Args: output (torch.tensor): the output generated by model ground_truth (torch.tensor): the ground truth compared with output Return: float """ batch = len(output) loss_function = nn.MSELoss(reduction='sum') loss = loss_function(output.squeeze(), ground_truth.squeeze()) return loss / (2 * batch)
[docs]class TestLoss: """The loss function used in test part, this loss just get mae and mse with (output-ground_truth) and mae ** 2 """ def __init__(self): super(TestLoss).__init__()
[docs] def __call__(self, output, ground_truth): """ Args: output (torch.tensor): the output generated by model ground_truth (torch.tensor): the ground truth compared with output Return: float """ mae, mse = [0.0] * 2 batch = len(output) for i in range(batch): sum_output = torch.sum(output[i]) sum_gt = torch.sum(ground_truth[i]) mae += abs(sum_output - sum_gt) mse += (sum_output - sum_gt) * (sum_output - sum_gt) return mae / batch, mse / batch
[docs]class EnlargeLoss: """When you enlarge the density map with scale factor (10, 100 or 1000), get test loss with this function. Args: number (int): the scale factor used to enlarge the density map """ def __init__(self, number): super(EnlargeLoss).__init__() self.number = number
[docs] def __call__(self, output, ground_truth): """ Args: output (torch.tensor): the output generated by model, will be divided by self.number ground_truth (torch.tensor): the ground truth compared with output Return: float """ mae, mse = [0.0] * 2 batch = len(output) for i in range(batch): sum_output = torch.sum(output[i] / self.number) sum_gt = torch.sum(ground_truth[i]) mae += abs(sum_output - sum_gt) mse += mae ** 2 return mae / batch, mse / batch